How to Overcome Leverage Browser Caching Favicon - Software for pc How to Overcome Leverage Browser Caching Favicon

How to Overcome Leverage Browser Caching Favicon

A favicon is an a logo that we usually encounter on our site to improve our look on site has of own custom icon via a widget in a layout or settings of your site

Leverage Browser caching on favicon is one of the factors which usually get measured for professional & site like GTmetrix pages

First, open Blogger > Click on Theme menu > Click on "ctrl F"

 1.  then look for the code below & change it
<link href='/favicon.ico' rel='icon' type='image/x-icon'/>

2. Replace the code with the given code below :
<link href='' rel='icon' type='image/x-icon'/>

Also do not forgot about changing your domain name in the below code.

Then Click the Save button

This is how to change blogger favicon cache which improves site speed & improves site SEO factor